Sunday, March 9, 2008
it has been a long time since the girl wrote about her life and now, another peek of her PATHETIC life!
well the girl had some exams:
✖unhappy about her maths results
✖happy that she passed geography
✖anxious about history results
✖glad that she passed chinese
✖worried about personal recount
then the holidays arrived
and she had camp:
✖she lost her boots, belt and beret (NCOs found it)
✖she lost her pe tee shirt and slacks (NCOs found it)
✖she lost he uniform (NCOs found it)
✖she fell
✖her knees bled
✖her faced scratched
✖she felt terrible
✖when it ended, she took cab home
✖it rained!
✖she was drenched
then she reached home:
✖she watch tv
✖she slept
✖never had she felt so relaxed
✖never had she love her mother's cooking that much
✖never had she loved her bed that much
✖she woke up
✖she played computers
✖she had always loved her computer(:
then she thought about homework:
✖she started smsing all her friends to ask what homework she have
✖then her friends replied
✖she listed them down
✖she realised she hated holidays
✖it sux with homework
✖Chinese - read 少年文摘(both jan and march)
✖Language Arts - File Lang Arts file
- Language Arts worksheet Q6 (R&J)
✖Maths - maths assignment 4
- Maths Yr3 TB pg 89-90 (question 6-10)
- Maths corrections for geometry worksheet
✖Science - Article review
- Oral Presentation (project)
✖Geography - Geography Project Proposal
✖History - Making of notes
✖Art - Podcast Project
✖NPCC - Total Defence Research
now her hands were tired and she stopped!
L o V i N g Y o U
10:08 PM